Kohl Movement has sown the seeds for new beginnings as the year comes to an end. From regeneration and rebirth to growth and development, Kohl's movement has strongly and powerfully been initiated in 2015.
Here are some of the laudable accomplishments of the company, achieved in the year 2015:
- February 22 ~ Birth of Kohl Belly Dance Movement
- March ~ The Annual Show labelled the 'Mint Mill Project' with performances including those of the #KohlTeam senior instructors, junior instructors, and students
- May - June ~ Dipika Vijay travels to the USA where she learns, performs, and teaches
- June ~ Sanjana Muthreja travels to Switzerland where she learns and performs
- July ~ Kohl Movement expands and enlists new trainees to join #KohlTeam
- August ~ Start of 'Braided Smoke', a three ply approach to bellydance including technique, dance, and fitness
- September ~ Sanjana travels to Greece where she learns, performs, and teaches
- October ~ Dipika conducts the first ever LGBT workshop in Mumbai city ~ Sanjana conducts the first ever boy-girl batch ~ Prachi Shah travels to the USA to learn
- November ~ Sanjana, Richa Raichandani, and Sanjana Sharma travel to Egypt to perform
- December ~ Dipika gets selected for yet another international platform
Kohl Movement is ready to plunge into 2016, with ideas and plans already well conceptualized.
Some exciting programmes coming up include:
- Moria Chapell's workshop in January
- Mint Mill Project - II in February
- International travel plans, that are well under way in March!